Codex Junius 11
Online Medieval and Classical Library Release #14b
This file contains translations from the Anglo-Saxon of the following works: "Genesis A", "Genesis B", "Exodus", "Daniel", and "Christ and Satan". All are works found in the manuscript of Anglo-Saxon verse known as "Junius 11" (Oxford, Bodleian Library 5123), which was compiled sometime toward the end of the 10th Century A.D.These works were originally written in Anglo-Saxon, sometime between the 7th and 10th Centuries A.D. Although sometimes ascribed to the poet Caedmon (fl. late 7th Century), it is generally thought that these poems do not represent the work of one single poet.
Translations by George W. Kennedy, PhD. ("The Caedmon Poems", New York, 1916). These translations are PUBLIC DOMAIN in the United States. Line numbers have been supplied by the preparer of this edition, based upon the critical editions listed below.
This electronic edition was proofed, edited, and prepared by Douglas B. Killings (DeTroyes@AOL.COM), December 1995.
Other Translations
Bradley, S.A.J.: "Anglo-Saxon Poetry" (Everyman Press, London, 1982)
Critical Editions
Doane, A.N. (ed.): "Genesis A: A New Critical Edition" (University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1978)
Doane, A.N. (ed.): "The Saxon Genesis: An Edition of the West Saxon Genesis B and the Old Saxon Vatican Genesis" (University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1991)
Dobbie, Elliot VanKirk (ed.): "The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records, vol. I - The Junius Manuscript" (Columbia University Press, New York, 1937)
Farrell, R.T. (ed.): "Daniel and Azarias" (Methuen & Co. Ltd., London, 1974)
Tolkein, J.R.R. (ed.): "The Old English Exodus" (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1981)