Of The Coming Of Christ's Faith To Iceland.
Online Medieval and Classical Library Release #33
Next it befell that Gizur the White and Hiallti his son-in-law came out to preach Christ's law; (1) and all men in Iceland were christened, and the Christian faith was made law at the Althing. And Snorri the Priest brought it chiefly about with the Westfirthers that Christ's faith was taken of them; and as soon as the Thing was over, Snorri let build a church at Holyfell, and Stir, his father-in-law, another at Under-the-Lava. Now this whetted men much to the building of churches, (2) that it was promised them by the teachers, that a man should have welcome place for so many men in the kingdom of Heaven as might stand in any church that he let build. Thorod Scat-catcher withal let make a church at his homestead of Frodis-water, but priests could not be got for the serving at the churches, though they were built, for in those days but few mass-priests there were in Iceland.
(1) "Next it befell that Gizur the White and Hiallti his son-in-law came out to preach Christ's law.". Hiallti was married to Vilborg, the daughter of Gizur (Landnama i. ch. 21, p. 63). (2) "Now this whetted men much to the building of churches," etc. This is a telling instance showing how the preachers of the new faith accommodated themselves to heathen traditions for the purpose of winning the ruling and wealthiest class over to the Church. The brave heathen leader of war-hosts was welcomed by Odin in Valhall, together with his faithful followers fallen in battle with him. The Christian chief is assured of a similar reception in the Kingdom of Heaven for himself and as many as his church will hold!