The Lay Of The Mewlithers.
Online Medieval and Classical Library Release #33
For one night was Thorarin at home at Mewlithe, but in the morning Aud asked him what shift he was minded to seek for himself. "No will have I to turn thee out of my house," said she; "but I fear that there will be many a door-doom holden here this winter, for well I wot that Snorri the Priest must needs take up the case for Thorbiorn his brother-in4aw." Then sang Thorarin:"The wakener of law-wrong shall nowise meseemeth This winter that waneth lay blood-wite on me, For yonder is Arnkel, and there, as my hope is, My life-warden liveth all praise-worth to win. Might I come but to Vermund and fare with the feeder Of the flame of the God of the field where the corpses Lie fallen in slaughter, then surely for me Might Hugin's son feed fat on field of the slain."